Dr. Teresa will provide and approve prescriptions with the following options:
Our online pharmacy: use this link
Written prescriptions provided at the time of your appointment
Small supply of medications available for immediate use during your appointment
Limiting the use of multiple online pharmacies and calling prescriptions into pharmacies allows us to be more efficient and gives us time to help more patients with appointment availability.
Emergency Clinics
Animal and Emergency and Specialty Center, 775-851-3600
6425 S. Virginia Street, Reno, NV
Open 24 hours and 7 days a week
Provide emergency, critical care and specialty services
At this time there are long wait periods for non-critical patients with 4-8 hour wait times some days
SVS- Blue Pearl, 775-358-8555 *please call before coming*
555 Morill Avenue, Reno, NV
Provide emergency, critical care and specialty services
Sunday 7am-Monday 7am
Closed Monday 7am-Wednesday 7am
​Wednesday 7am- Saturday 6pm​
Closed Saturday 6pm-Sunday 7am (overnight)​
Click here the link above to start your application for a medical loan for your pet
Several loan options available, including interest free payment plans
Funds move directly to Happy Paws at Home from Scratch Pay
Made payments to Scratch Pay with your agreed upon payment plan
Go to the Fear Free Happy Homes for Pets website to learn how to decrease fear, anxiety and stress in your pet's daily life. Learn how to lessen the stress of bringing home a new pet or how to make bathing and grooming at home easier for you and your pet.
Happy Paws at Home Vet Care utilizes Home Again microchips. These microchips are compliant for international travel health certificates. Once inserted we will create a profile for you and your pet in the Home Again database. Look for an email from Home Again to confirm your account and check out their resources on their webpage.
We use TempScan microchips, so we can get a body temperature on your pet without a rectal thermometer.
Any universal microchip reader will read your pet's microchip. Most hospitals and shelters will have microchip readers.
Your pet have a microchip but do not know if it's registered or which company it is through?
Purina VetDirect provides prescription and wellness diet to patients of Happy Paws at Home. You can order prescription diets recommended by Dr. Teresa or order non prescription Purina diets from this website. You get food delivered straight to your home.
Dr. Teresa will often recommend this website for you to read more about certain medical conditions she has discussed regarding your pet. This site is very informative and written by veterinarians in support by the Veterinary Information Network. *one thing to note is the search engine is not like google, correct spelling is a must*