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Woman Hugging Dog

Request an appointment

Helpful reminders:

  • Make sure feline pets are in a small enclosed space to ensure we can examine them 

    • A small bathroom or a traveling crate are great choices​

    • Skip a meal to help with them accepting treats during their appointment


  • Make sure canine pets DO NOT get triggered  or aggressive when people or strangers come to the home

    • A house call is not a good fit for this patient​

    • This scenario would increase your dog's stress and anxiety

    • We can definitely discuss strategies to decrease your dog's anxiety with strangers coming to the home, including anxiolytics. 


  • If a patient cannot be examined due to fear, anxiety, stress or any other reason a house call fee will be charged for the drive and time spent at the home. 

    • If a consultation on fear, anxiety and stress, including a prescription for anxiety meds is performed and physical exam fee with be charged for the doctor's expertise and time. 


  • You will need to get a copy of medical records for your pet before our scheduled appointment.

    • .pdf format is preferred​

    • History of vaccination due dates

    • History of previous lab work results

    • Medical notes from previous diagnostics work ups and doctor discussions for pertinent problems I will be addressing during our visit. 

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